The Paediatric Observation Priority Score (POPS) is a bespoke assessment tool for use in Paediatric\nEmergency Departments incorporating traditional physiological parameters alongside more\nsubjective observational criteria. Initial performance characteristics of POPS were analysed in a\nconvenience sample of 936 presentations to ED. Triage on the basis of gut instinct parameters\nidentified an additional 261 patients deemed of lowest acuity compared to analysis by physiology\nscores. Resource consumption increased with increasing acuity on presentation. POPS shows\npromise in assisting in the assessment process of children presenting to Emergency Departments.\nInclusion of subjective triage criteria helps contextualise the physiological parameter scoring by\nusing the experience of staff conducting triage. Initial interpretation of presenting physiology\ngives a more informed assessment of initial acuity, and thus is better able to identify a child who\ncan be safely managed in the community. The system also allows for rapid detection of those most\nunwell.